Cancellation & Refund Policy

The standard cancellation policy will be followed for all orders

Canceled By Minipattu

Please be aware that occasionally we may have to refuse or cancel an order. We have the right to reject or revoke any order for any reason at our sole discretion. Limitations on the number of items that can be ordered, inconsistencies or errors in product or pricing information, or issues discovered by our credit and fraud prevention department are a few instances that could lead to the cancellation of your order. Before accepting any order, we can additionally need more evidence or details. If your order is canceled in whole or in part, or if more information is needed to accept it, we will get in touch with you.

Order cancellation requests should be shared within 60 minutes of order confirmation even though orders typically take a day to dispatch. If you need to cancel your order within this time limit, please contact us by email at or by phone at 0422-3510122.

Customer Cancellation

We will reimburse the whole price if you cancel your order before your product ships.

One of the following options is available if the cancellation occurs after the product has shipped:

  • Contact Customer Support and let them know that your merchandise has been dispatched but has not yet arrived. If you choose cash on delivery, you may also decline to accept the order when it is delivered.
  • If the goods have already been delivered to you, only instances of product defects will qualify for replacement.


To request a replacement for a damaged item, send an email to within five days of the item’s delivery. The faulty item or component will be recalled, and a replacement will be sent right away.

Refund And Return:

Definition: Giving the item the consumer purchased from the seller/ Minipattu products on the Minipattu  website is referred to as a “return.” The consumer would only receive a replacement in each of the instances listed below, not a refund:

  • The product was broken.
  • The item was harmed during transport.
  • It was missing one or more products. (Clients must provide our support staff with the unpacking video.)
  • Received the incorrect item.

Only in the following situations will customers receive a return of their money:

  • Whenever a product is sold out or unavailable
  • The company has stopped selling the item.

Before making a purchase, we advise the customer to read the listing. Minipattus /the seller shall not be entitled to any return or refund in the event that the customer orders the incorrect item.

The Following Rules Apply To This Policy

  • The consumer has 24 hours from the time of delivery to make a claim for any damaged or missing goods. Within seven working days of delivery, the consumer must submit visual proof to Minipattu after raising the request.
  • Customers should provide pictures of any damaged goods. Customers are required to upload an unpacking video as documentation in cases of missing goods.
  • The client must file a complaint within 24 hours if the product has been marked as delivered but they have not received its order. The following things must be included with any returns:
  1. Unused and must be in their original state,
  2.  Including all tags and packaging;
  3. Nothing should be damaged or removed.
  4. If the consumer requests a return and the seller agrees, the client will only get the replacement after the merchandise has been returned.
  5. Only when the product has undergone a quality inspection by the professionals at Minipattu will a replacement be processed.

In the following circumstances, we do not offer a replacement for a particular product once it has been delivered:

  • Size concern
  • bought in error
  • Available at a lower cost
  • Late delivery of the item
  • dislike the merchandise